Every picture tells a story. Use your imagination and experience to narrate (tell) a story about this photo.
Title - What is the title of your story
Orientation - Sets the scene with who, what, where, when. Captures the reader’s interest.
Problem - What problem or issue disrupts normal life and needs a response from the character(s).
Solution - How is the problem solved or attempted to be solved.
Use the following table to plan your writing.
laughing jack
laughing jack the killer and the family and the brother leo.
laughing jack killed his family and his brother when he was sleeping
the police got him walking at night .
there was a boy named Jack who live in the woods he was in the cag and he was going to get out of the cag then the dad wasn’t looking after the cag with laughing jack inside. the guy call the
police. When the police came the police call for backups to cheek around the house to look for the cag. they we looking for the cag.
they almost found it. Laughing jack was going back to the cag
in the house then the police got him walking at night they took him in the jail. Then he escape. The police gard saw laughing
jack running away from the police. The police was chasing
laughing jack.He was headed to the dark forest then the police
follow laughing jack in the dark forest. When they went in
the dark forest they got lost in dark forest.They saw a House
they went inside the house to look for laughing jack.Laughing
jack wasn't in the house they keep looking out for laughing
jack.Once they found the laughing jack he jump on him
with the knife to kill the police.They all got killed by
laughing jack. Laughing jack saw jeff . They
had a knife battle. once they died at the same time.they took
them to the doc they got very angry.They away run
away.The police keep follow the laughing jack.Jeff the killer
say go to sleep to laughing jack And laughing jack say I
am going to kill you jeff the killer.laughing jack was going
to jump on jeff the killer neck to stab jeff the killer then jeff
the killer was dead.the end